Mia Smith

Mia Isobel Smith

Mia Isobel Smith

Artist Statement
What does your body know that you consciously don’t? Does it remember those precious daily details that we cannot possibly catalogue ourselves? My work suggests that there is in fact a great knowledge within the vessels of our bodies. I believe our human condition is documented in our natural movements, relationships, and routines. There is human data embedded within us that begs to be heard and takes great care to extract and visualize. With great expressionist influences, I aim to create my own physical evidence of daily existence with clay and drawing media. I have always utilized my art as a personal narrative of what my body and self are experiencing. Over time my body of work has shifted to a more universal narrative through radical vulnerability, self examination and social education. While my content serves as tangible memory, its meaning is actualized by your ability to empathize with all human experiences.

Mia Smith