Moira Meehan

Moira Meehan

Moira Meehan

Artist Statement

With my work, I hope to explore the relationship between people and their environment. I am fascinated by the narratives that people tell themselves for the sake of comfort, and how disconnected they can be from reality. Our culture is currently obsessed with mass consumption; our Throw-Away Society is simultaneously exploiting the environment and decreasing our appreciation for fine craftsmanship. There is something inherently intimate about objects that are made to be worn, and I wish to highlight the value of making quality wearables by hand. Merino wool, fine silver, and silk are all materials I love incorporating into my work, as the labor required to work with these materials makes the finished piece feel all the more valuable. In my representational work, much of the imagery I am drawn towards could be considered macabre. However, this is a concept imposed upon it. Death and dead things are a recurring theme in my work, and this is not intended to shock my audience. I consider these images to be beautiful and offer them up as memento vivere. Additionally, I seek to draw attention to aspects of our everyday life that are largely ignored, such as the design of everyday spaces and things, and the ways that we impact our natural world.

Moira Meehan